A few months ago, I lived through nine days of torture. I piped carrot that looked like jellyfish. I crafted bumblebees that looked like they’d been squashed by a fly swatter. And yet, I managed to squeak out a few decent cakes in my intro to cakes class.
SURPRISE! There’s an advanced class. Just when I’d given myself enough grey hairs and imaginary ulcers, nine days of gum paste roses, rolled fondant, and piping tiny chocolate designs await me.
Le sigh. Advanced Breads class is the light at the end of this tunnel.
Our first cake is a hazelnut praline torte.
I know what you’re thinking, and no… I was NOT drunk when I was piping the chocolate design around the edges.
Although I was in somewhat of a fog because my glass coffee pot did shatter this morning as I went to make a pot. HAPPY MONDAY!
Believe me, it’s harder than it looks.
The cake tastes delicious, though, and it’s weirdly gluten free. (Holla to my wheat protein shunning friends!).
There’s a lot more piping in my future. To make it through these two weeks, I’m going to have to invest in several million bottles of red wine. And a new coffee pot.
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