Wednesday, November 2, 2011

Paris… continued.

When last we spoke, things were looking grim.

Fear not! Though my trip to Paris had an inauspicious start, it ended up being an awesome weekend. It was great to hang out with my supremely hilarious friends from real life/ America. They brought me Jif peanut butter and Trident and I nearly wept for joy.

There was  a lot of this:


(Thanks to LG for the picture. I stole it because it's really hard to take pictures of myself dancing).  I do believe I was demonstrating how to Krump. On second thought, I'm not sure that I was doing it exactly right.


There was also some of this:


Oh HEY Eiffel Tower at night. PS Going to the top of the Arc de Triomphe is totally worth the nine euros. Do it! Don't be a cheap-o!

And finally, there was a whole lot of drinking this (wine, not grape juice):


Robert Serol Vineyard in the Cotes du Ronnaise.

I was thrilled because while we were in a super busy city, our trip was very relaxed. We did a ton of eating, a lot of wine drinking, and some leisurely strolling. After hanging out in Paris for two days,  we drove around the country side and stopped in at a winery a friend recommended. Then I brought my friends back to experience the nightlife in Yssingeaux (meaning drinking wine and playing games in my apartment) and visit nearby Le Puy en Velay to hike up to some churches.

It was an awesome weekend! It was so great to have visitors in France, and it's crazy to think that I'll be hanging out with those same friends in New York in ONLY THREE WEEKS. This fall has gone by really fast.

I'll leave you with this incredibly weird placemat that I saw in a shop in Le Puy en Velay:


Translation: Auvergne is a huge plate of cheeses. It is not always easy to live there!

I have NO IDEA what that is supposed to mean. Are we worried about constipation?? The anxiety of having so many choices in the grocery store? No clue. I had to hold myself back from buying 12 of these.


1 comment:

  1. Yes! I love being involved in the post.

    And Le Puy was a weird place. Those souvenirs left something to be desired.
